Category: Dry Eyes
Scratchy, Sore Eyes? It may be Blepharitis.
Posted in Dry Eyes, Eye Blog, Eye Exam, Eye-Opening, Fluctuating Vision, Medical, Mount Vernon, Sedro-Woolley, Stanwood

by Andrew Sumnicht, MD What is Blepharitis? Blepharitis (bleff – ah – write – iss) is a very common condition seen in the eye clinic, with findings present in up to half of all eye patients, and with symptoms affecting up to 10% of the general population. There are oil glands that line your upper and… Read More
What Causes Dry Eye?
If you notice a frequent uncomfortable or burning-like sensation in your eyes, you may be one of the 20 million Americans with chronic dry eye. As the name suggests, dry eye occurs when your eyes are unable to sufficiently lubricate themselves. This can be triggered by inadequate tear production or because the tears you produce… Read More
Seeing Well
Posted in Bellingham, Contact lenses, Dry Eyes, Eye Blog, Eye Exam, Mount Vernon, Sedro-Woolley, Stanwood, Whidbey

Changing course in life is often something people try to avoid. I’ve recently made a change professionally to leave one post as an optometrist I held for 10 years. Although I still help people to see well, I joined a new team of eye care providers at Cascadia Eye, with five locations throughout the North… Read More
How to Avoid Cataracts
Posted in Bellingham, Dry Eyes, Eye Blog, Eye-Opening, Mount Vernon, Sedro-Woolley, Stanwood, Surgery, Whidbey

by Dan Siapco MD My retired partner and founder of Cascadia Eye, Nannette Crowell, always told her patients, “You will get cataracts if you live long enough.” Cataracts are a part of the aging process. You may find yourself with an operable cataract at an early age or, if you are an average American, at… Read More
My Cataract Surgery
Posted in Dry Eyes, Eye Blog, Fluctuating Vision, Medical, Surgery

Are you thinking about cataract surgery? We spoke to a patient, Teryl, who tells a little about what cataract surgery has done for her. Teryl describes what to expect from cataract surgery; her experience throughout the process, what made her choose to have surgery, what the testing, evaluation, and surgery were like, what she could… Read More
A Doctor’s View: Presbyopia Correcting Intraocular Lenses
Posted in Dry Eyes, Eye Blog, Eye-Opening, Fluctuating Vision, Medical, Mount Vernon, Whidbey

By Dan Siapco MD The landscape of presbyopia correcting intraocular lenses, or PCIOL’s, has changed considerably in the last 3-5 years. There are now more very practical lenses that can help to minimize or entirely eliminate the need for glasses after cataract surgery. This has not always been the case. I started implanting PCIOL’s in… Read More
What causes floaters?
Posted in Dry Eyes, Eye Blog, Eye Exam, Fluctuating Vision, Medical, Mount Vernon, Stanwood, Whidbey

By Jared Rasmussen OD Have you ever felt like you’ve just seen a fly move out of the corner of your eye? You try to swat it away to no avail and then eventually realize there might not be a fly at all. You probably don’t have a pest problem, but rather floaters! What exactly… Read More
Dry Eyes and the winter season
Posted in Bellingham, Dry Eyes, Eye Blog, Medical, Mount Vernon, Sedro-Woolley, Stanwood, Surgery, Whidbey

Maybe you’ve noticed your eyes feeling dry and scratchy, or getting red, or being overly watery recently. You could even feel like there’s something in them, even when your mirror tells you nothing is there. The likely reason? It’s dry eye season. When the air is colder and drier than the rest of the year–yes,… Read More
Digital eye strain
Posted in Bellingham, Dry Eyes, Eye Blog, Eye-Opening, Fluctuating Vision, Medical, Mount Vernon, Optical, Sedro-Woolley, Stanwood, Whidbey

A guest blog from Cascadia Eye’s CEO, Sheri Saldivar Love to read on that Kindle? It sure is easier to pay bills online! And it’s great to keep up with the family on Facebook and text messages—but now what about the blurred vision, eyestrain, headaches and dry eyes? Yes, these issues all appear to be… Read More